Interview with artist Anne Ellard

Anne is an INSPIRING creative all rounder. With a degree in interior design and specialist work in designing kitchens, Anne is gaining an excellent reputation for herself in this field. Last year, she was in the top 3 finalists for the Young Kitchen Designers at Ireland’s Kitchen Trade Design Awards.
Using acrylics, water colours, collage and simple pencil, Anne creates a variety of different styles and effects for her pieces. The advantage of being an artist and an interior designer, means that Anne can custom produce artwork to bring the kitchen or home design together. This really sets her work apart!
Check out Anne’s latest art and interior design projects on her Facebook page or blog.
How have you got to where you are today?
I’ve always been good at art, it’s in my blood! I used to paint and draw just for myself and the odd piece for my family as gifts. Then people started asking me to create art work specifically for them… that was when Anne Ellard Art & Design was born. I now have commissioned paintings all over the world, its a great feeling!
I started my Interior Design career working as a sales advisor in a high-end furniture store in Ireland. While I was there I studied Interior Design in the evenings and graduated with a distinction in 2007. During my final project I really got interested in Kitchen Design. After that I landed a great job with a company designing bespoke kitchens and I loved it. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing your design go from paper to the finished product.
In a few words describe yourself…
An eye for detail and a passion for colour!
What are you spending your time on at the moment?
We moved to Brisbane at the start of June this year so I’m just settling in at the moment. I’ve recently taken up a new position as Kitchen/Interior Designer for a company here in Brisbane, which I’m really enjoying. They do a lot of show home kitchens that I’m very excited about!
I finally invested in an SLR camera at the end of last year, so I’m really enjoying getting to grips with that. I’ve taken a million photographs of the places we’ve visited since coming to Brisbane… some of them are sure to become the inspiration for some new art work!
Do you have a ritual for getting into the creative mindset? Or a creative process?
I have a LOT of art and design books so if I’m having an off day I usually flick through them to get my creative juices flowing.
Generally though, once I have a comfy spot on the couch, a pencil in my hand and a blank sheet of paper, I’m good to go. Some good music always helps…I have a 45 minute long Daft Punk set and another set by the XX on my iPod that get put on repeat a lot!
Who or what inspires you?
I get inspired by a lot of different things. The places I’ve been and photographs inspire me a lot.
Sometimes I’ll run an idea past Joe, my boyfriend and between us we come up with some great ideas… both for art work and interiors.
I also have a friend Linda at home that never fails to inspire me by planting little seeds in my head!
What are you most proud of?
Last year I was shortlisted in the top 3 Young Kitchen Designers at the Ireland’s Kitchen Trade Design Awards. Career wise that has to be my proudest moment!
Personally, I’m proud to be continuing the creative streak that runs through my mother’s side of the family. My grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfather were all painters and decorators. One of my earliest memories is colouring in the entry for a colouring competition at my grandparents house… and subsequently winning a huge teddy bear!!
When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I just knew it had to be something arty. I don’t think I thought that far ahead!
I was too busy drawing and gluing things together and making stuff out of empty toilet roll tubes! I was constantly re-arranging the furniture in my bedroom so maybe I was just destined to be an interior designer!