Interview with illustrator Richard Kuoch

Richard Kuoch is not doubt an awesome illustrator. But being known by the cool alias – Podgy Panda. Well. What can I say! Awesome.
Rich studied animation and then graphic design in his home of Auckland, New Zealand and then just a few months ago, relocated to London. His main role now is illustration where he designs characters and scenarios for a variety of projects and applications.
It’s great to see some of Rich’s sketches here, to see a progression of his ideas. Depending on the final outcome, Rich sometimes inks the piece up by hand with only the finishing in Photoshop, or he’ll scan it in and work in vector.
Recently, he’s also been tackling the Daily Doodle Project, where you can see from his Facebook page, that he’s regularly posting character sketches. These are more popular characters that he wouldn’t normally get to sketch. There’s a cute little Bambi, Cookie Monster and The Count counting puppies! You can see more of his sketches on his Flickr site or purchase prints from his online store.
Check out Podgy Panda’s website, there’s a huge collection of sketches, digital illustrations, paintings and super cool merchandise.
How have you got to where you are today?
I have a background in 2D animation and graphic design, as 2D animation work dried up in New Zealand, I retrained in graphic design. I draw on skills of both of these fields to create the illustrations I do today.
In a few words, describe yourself…
Lover of blue pencils, strong coffee, and nerdiness.
What are you spending your time on at the moment?
I’ve just started a daily doodle project, which I’m trying to do more fanart based works (not something I normally do). It’s helping me try to try reimagine famous characters in my own personal style.
Do you have a ritual for getting into the creative mindset? Or a creative process?
It always starts off with a cup of coffee or glass of wine, depending on the time of day, or how much work is ahead of me.
What or who inspires you?
I could list sooo many friends and heroes here! Everyone I have met inspires me in some way.
Everyone has their own story, habit and drawing style. It’s these people I meet, and whatever current environment I’m in that inspires me the post.
What are you most proud of?
The best friends and peers I’ve made along the way.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to grow up to be someone who could colour within the lines for a living. I guess being a dorky illustrator is close enough! Little me would be proud!