Interview with illustrator Belinda Suzette

For a little bit of history… Belinda graduated with a fine arts degree, moved to Melbourne with a collaborative group of creatives, travelled widely around the world, and then came home to study illustration. It was during her illustration diploma that she discovered her style and emerged as a budding illustrator.
All of these wonderful life experiences have formed Belinda’s work to be much more than illustration. Her iconic and almost folk style is really beautiful. And the blend of her illustration with design and art is quite impressive. Just take a look through her blog and you’ll discover a long list of commissioned projects from posters, flyers and CD covers.
When not creating her own work, Belinda can be found inspiring many new budding illustrators – teaching Illustration at the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE. Belinda is both community aware and involved by supporting many cultural and environmental events and not-for-profit organisations.
For more of her beautiful work, visit Belinda’s website and blog.
How have you got to where you are today?
I have always been artsy and crafty.
My parents are very creative so I’m sure that nature and nurture plays no small part in my vocation. Although my family was comfortable growing up, my parents really instilled a value of anti-materialism in me. If it wasn’t for school, and it wasn’t my birthday or Christmas, I had to get it myself.
My pocket money was hard earned and I got a job as soon as it was legal (having babysat till then). This mentality essentially turned me into an extremely creative entity with a penchant for making the most of what I had. I would paint pictures on hand me down shoes or op shop purchased jeans. I would make all my presents with found objects.
Studying fine art at uni was a natural progression. One that blew my mind and my budget. That was the most expensive fun I’ve ever had, and am still paying for!
I moved to Melbourne straight out of art school with a band of misfits. We formed an arts collective and endeavoured to pave our way in the big smoke and make a name for ourselves.
Then it was time to travel. I lived abroad for four years and travelled extensively. It was during this time that I realised the path I wanted to take and I returned to Australia to study illustration.
I never really drew before the illustration course, my art up till that point consisted of mostly abstract paintings or collages. My direction became more refined and I marvel still that it took me so long to stumble upon it.
I am now a newly emerged illustrator and I love it.
In a few words, describe yourself…
Passionate, patient, intrigued, stoic and determined.
What are you spending your time on at the moment?
A short story about a special character….it’s a secret.
Do you have a ritual for getting into the creative mindset? Or a creative process?
The Grand Setting Up Of The Space. Like a bird making a nest, it’s all got to be ready, easy and beautiful. The music is selected, the coffee is brewing, the palette chosen, the door closed, the window open, the phone on silent.
What or who inspires you?
Other artists, music, the desire to evoke emotion through image or space, awe, nature.
What are you most proud of?
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A muppet, an architect, an actress and Bon Jovi’s one true love.